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In mobile app design, a sticky tab bar is an essential navigation element that provides users quick access to an app’s primary sections. For a brand like Vodafone, a well-designed sticky tab bar ensures seamless user interaction and consistency with its visual identity.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a sticky tab bar in Figma, from initial setup to adding interactive elements, ensuring a polished and functional design that enhances user experience.

Understanding the Vodafone App Sticky Tab Bar


Before we dive into the design process, let’s break down the key elements of a Vodafone app sticky tab bar:

  • Position: Typically located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Behavior: Remains fixed in position as the user scrolls.
  • Content: Usually consists of icons representing different app sections or features.
  • Style: Adheres to Vodafone’s color palette, typography, and overall design language.

Step 1: Set Up the Artboard

  • Open Figma and create a new file.
  • Create a Frame:
    • Press F and draw a frame on the canvas or choose a predefined device size from the right-hand panel (e.g., iPhone 13 , 14).
  • Add Background Color:
    • Select the frame.
    • Open the right-hand panel, where you’ll find the “Fill” section.
    • Click on the color swatch and input #F6F6F6 in the hex code field to set a light gray background color.


Step 2: Add Content and Enable Vertical Scrolling

  • Import the Image:
    • Use the image linked below and drag it into the frame.
    • Position the image near the top of the frame, ensuring it fits within the width of the frame.
    • Since the image is long, the total height of the content will exceed the height of the frame.
    • Set the frame to clip content by selecting the frame, and in the right-hand panel, enable the “Clip Content” option.
  • Enable Vertical Scrolling:
    • Select the main frame.
    • Click on the Prototype tab at the top of the right-hand panel.
    • Change the Overflow Behavior to Vertical Scrolling.
  • Click Present and Watch the Scrolling Content:
    • Click the Present button at the top-right corner to enter presentation mode.
    • Scroll through the content to observe the scrolling effect and ensure the content is correctly displayed.

Step 3: Design the Tab Bar

  1. Create the Tab Bar Background:
    • Select the Rectangle tool (R) and draw a rectangle at the bottom of your frame.
    • Set the dimensions of the rectangle to 80px width and 60px height.
    • Set the background color to white by clicking on the color swatch in the right-hand panel and inputting #FFFFFF in the hex code field.
    • With the rectangle selected, click on the bottom corners (left and right) to adjust their border radius.
    • Set the border radius for the bottom corners to 36px to create rounded edges.
  2. Draw a Triangle Using the Pen Tool:
    • Select the Pen tool (P) from the toolbar.
    • Click on the canvas to create three points that form a triangle. Set the dimensions of the triangle to 32px width and 28px height.
    • Close the path by clicking back on the first point.
    • To ensure accuracy, you can adjust the size of the triangle using the properties panel after drawing it.
  3. Add an Anchor Point and Adjust the Radius:
    • With the triangle selected, choose the Pen tool (P) again or use the Anchor Point tool.
    • Click on the middle of the base of the triangle to add an anchor point.
    • Now, select this middle anchor point.
    • In the right-hand panel, adjust the corner radius of this anchor point to 90px. This will create a curved, rounded bottom edge on the triangle.
  4. Duplicate and Flip the Triangle:
    • Select the triangle you just created.
    • Press Ctrl+D (Cmd+D on Mac) to duplicate the triangle.
    • With the duplicated triangle selected, right-click and choose Flip Horizontal to mirror it.
    • Move the flipped triangle to the right side of the previous rectangle, aligning it symmetrically with the original triangle.
  5. Union the Shapes:
    • Select the rectangle and both triangles by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each shape.
    • In the top toolbar, click the Union Selection button (or press Ctrl+E/Cmd+E).
    • This action will combine the selected shapes into a single, unified vector shape.
  6. Subtract the Shape from the Background:
    • With the new unified shape selected, hold down the Shift key and select the rectangle (background shape) behind it.
    • In the top toolbar, click the Subtract Selection button (or press Ctrl+-/Cmd+-).
    • This will subtract the new shape from the background, creating a cutout effect where the triangles were.

Step 4: Create and Position the Center User Icon

  1. Create the User Icon Background:
    • Select the Ellipse tool (O) from the toolbar.
    • Click on the canvas and draw a circle with a width and height of 40px.
    • Set the fill color  #F4F4F4 by selecting the color swatch in the right-hand panel and inputting the hex code.
  2. Add the Border:
    • With the circle still selected, go to the right-hand panel and find the Stroke section.
    • Set the stroke width to 9px.
    • Set the stroke color  #FFFFFF by clicking on the stroke color swatch and entering the hex code.
    • Ensure that the stroke position is set to “Outside” so that the border surrounds the outer edge of the circle.
  3. Open Iconify Plugin:
    • Go to the Plugins menu in Figma.
    • Select “Iconify” from the list of installed plugins. If it’s not installed, you can search for and install it from the Figma Community.
  4. Choose the User Icon:
    • In the Iconify plugin window, use the search bar to type “user”.
    • Browse the available user icons and select the one that fits your design needs.
    • Click on the icon to insert it into your Figma file.
  5. Color the Icon:
    • With the user icon selected, go to the right-hand panel.
    • Set the fill color of the icon to #ADADAD by clicking on the color swatch and entering the hex code.
  6. Group and Center the Icon:
    • Select both the circle background and the user icon by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each element.
    • Right-click and choose “Group Selection” or press Ctrl+G (Cmd+G on Mac) to group them.
    • Move the grouped icon to the center of the tab bar.
  7. Position the Icon in the Sticky Navigation:
    • Ensure the tab bar is in a Fixed position by selecting the “Bar” shape.
    • Adjust the position of the grouped icon to align it with the middle of the tab bar, ensuring it remains visible and centered.

Step 5: Create and Configure Tab Item Components

    • Create a Table for Tab Items:
      • Add a new frame or rectangle inside the tab bar to act as a container for the tab items. This will help in organizing and positioning the tab items evenly.
    • Create a Component for Tab Items:
      • Select both the icon and the text label for one tab item.
      • Right-click and choose “Create Component” or press Ctrl+Alt+K (Cmd+Option+K on Mac) to create a reusable component for the tab item.
    • Add Variants to the Component:
      • With the component selected, go to the right-hand panel and click the + icon next to Variants to add a new variant.
      • Rename the default variant to “Inactive” and the new variant to “Active”.
    • Customize the Active Variant:
      • Select the “Active” variant.
      • Click on the icon and text within this variant, and change their color to red #E60000 by selecting the color swatch and entering the hex code.
    • Set Up Smart Animation:
      • Switch to the Prototype tab in the right-hand panel.
      • With the “Inactive” variant selected, click the circular node (Prototype handle) and drag a connection arrow to the “Active” variant.
      • Set the interaction trigger to “On Click”.
      • Choose “Navigate To” in the Action dropdown and select the “Active” variant.
      • For the “Animation”, select “Smart Animate”.
      • Set the Easing to “Ease Out” and adjust the Duration for smooth transitions.
    • Add Icons and Text for Each Tab Item:
      • Add Icons:
        • For each tab item, use the Ellipse tool (O) to create a circle with a size of 32px.
        • Use your custom-designed icons or appropriate icons from Iconify that match the app design. Ensure each icon is sized to fit well within the circle (approximately 32px).
      • Add Text Labels:
        • Below each icon, use the Text tool (T) to add a label.
        • Set the font to Inter, size to 11px, and color to #000000.
        • Position the text 7px above each icon by placing the text element at a vertical distance of 7px from the bottom edge of the icon.
    • Position and Align Items:
      • Distribute the icons and text evenly across the tab bar.
      • Ensure each tab item is properly spaced and aligned for a clean and organized look.
    • Test the Interaction:
      • Click the Present button in the top-right corner to enter presentation mode.
      • Interact with the tab items to ensure the smart animation works as expected when switching between the inactive and active states.

Save and Share

  1. Save: Don’t forget to save your work and enjoy!

Final Result

Grab it!