Increasing brand awareness and showcasing Concrete Innovations' architectural and interior design expertise.

Concrete Innovations, an architecture, and interior design firm, aims to increase brand awareness and attract more projects in Egypt and the Middle East. The goal is to create a website that highlights their excellent services, showcases their portfolio, and provides a seamless user experience to convert visitors into clients.

Concrete Innovations
Duration and outcome

2 Months      10+  Screens

My role
  • Senior Product Designer

As a Senior Product Designer for the Concrete Innovations website project, my duties included conducting stakeholder and user research to understand business goals and target audience needs, creating a clear information architecture, developing wireframes and prototypes, designing visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, conducting usability testing, and collaborating with developers to ensure a seamless implementation. Additionally, I was responsible for overseeing the project’s overall design strategy, ensuring mobile responsiveness, optimizing for SEO, and continuously iterating based on user feedback to enhance the user experience and achieve business objectives.

Tools used


Concrete Innovations, a premier architecture and interior design firm, sought to revamp their online presence to better communicate their expertise and innovative approach. The primary objectives of the project were to enhance brand awareness and attract new projects in Egypt and the Middle East.

This case study details the process and methodologies employed in the redesign of the Concrete Innovations website, aiming to create a visually compelling and user-friendly interface that effectively showcases the firm’s high-quality services and impressive portfolio.


The primary goals for the new website are:

Increase Brand Awareness

Establish a strong online presence to reach a broader audience and highlight the firm's unique value propositions.

Showcase Expertise

Present a comprehensive portfolio and detailed descriptions of architectural and interior design services to build credibility and trust.

Attract New Projects

Provide a seamless user experience to convert website visitors into potential clients, ultimately driving business growth in the target regions.

The process

Research and Discovery
User Testing
Launch and Post-Launch Optimization

Research and Discovery

Learning about the business’s needs, goals, and expectations through stakeholder interviews

I began my research with stakeholder interviews to understand the vision, goals, and expectations of key individuals within Concrete Innovations. I conducted semi-structured interviews, which allowed for flexibility and enabled stakeholders to freely express their thoughts while ensuring all key topics were covered.

I conducted in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including the firm’s founders, project managers, and marketing team. We discussed the current challenges and limitations of the existing website, which helped me gather insights into the company’s vision, mission, and long-term goals.

For note-taking, project management, and collaboration, I used Notion, which allowed me to organize interview insights and share them effectively with the Concrete Innovations team.

Learning about competitors by conducting competitive analysis

To effectively position Concrete Innovations in the competitive landscape of Egypt and the Middle East, I thoroughly analyzed leading architecture and interior design firms in these regions.

This analysis focused on identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for differentiation to ensure the new website stands out

This foundational understanding guides our research efforts and steers the project’s direction.

Next, I organized a workshop to assess the likes and dislikes of competitors among stakeholders. This allowed diving deeper into the competitive landscape, evaluating key competitors based on what stakeholders appreciate and dislike about their websites.

This analysis helped in pinpointing best practices and areas for improvement, informing the redesign of the Concrete Innovations website.

Understanding experiences, preferences, and pain points with User interviews

Once I had a solid understanding of the competitive landscape, I was able to proceed with conducting user interviews to gather in-depth qualitative insights from existing and potential clients about their experiences, preferences, and pain points when interacting with architecture and design websites.

I conduct interviews with users who engage with the website and potential clients of the firm. These individuals encompass architects, interior designers, project managers, contractors, real estate developers, and individuals seeking architectural and design services for residential or commercial projects.

These insights helped in understanding their needs, preferences, and challenges when navigating and interacting with the Concrete Innovations website

How often do you visit architecture and design websites?

Website Usage and Preferences

What factors influence your decision to visit a particular architecture and design website?

Website Usage and Preferences

Can you describe a positive experience you've had while interacting with architecture and design websites?

Website Usage and Preferences

On the flip side, have you encountered any challenges or frustrations when using such websites?

Website Usage and Preferences

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experiences or preferences when it comes to architecture and design websites?

Website Usage and Preferences

“When visiting architecture and interior design websites, how do you typically explore the services offered?”

Service Interaction

“Have you ever encountered difficulties in finding specific services on architecture and design websites?”

Service Interaction

“What features or functionalities would make it easier for you to identify and inquire about services on such websites?”

Service Interaction

“How important is it for you to have clear and detailed descriptions of services offered by architecture and design firms?”

Service Interaction

“Have you ever contacted a firm directly through their website to inquire about their services?”

Service Interaction

Research and Discovery Key Findings

By addressing these key findings and integrating insights from stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, and user interviews, the firm can significantly improve its online presence, showcase its expertise more effectively, and attract new projects, driving overall business growth.

Key Findings

Increase Brand Awareness

Limited Online Visibility

The firm's current digital footprint is insufficient to attract a wider audience, necessitating enhanced SEO strategies and more active social media engagement.

Underutilized Unique Value Propositions

Stakeholder interviews revealed that the firm's distinctive qualities and achievements are not effectively communicated online, requiring more strategic content to showcase these aspects.

Competitive Edge

Competitive analysis indicated that rivals are leveraging social media and content marketing more effectively to enhance their brand awareness, suggesting a need for a more robust digital marketing strategy for the firm.

Showcase Expertise

Incomplete Portfolio Display

User interviews highlighted that the website lacks a fully developed portfolio section, with many projects either underrepresented or missing, which could hinder trust-building with potential clients.

Need for Detailed Service Descriptions

Both user and stakeholder interviews emphasized that descriptions of the firm’s architectural and interior design services are either brief or non-existent, making it difficult for visitors to fully understand the scope and quality of services offered.

Competitor Benchmarking

Competitive analysis showed that competitors provide detailed case studies and project descriptions, which enhance their credibility and trust with clients. Adopting a similar approach can help the firm establish its expertise more effectively.

Attract New Projects

User Experience Challenges

Both user and stakeholder interviews identified navigation and usability issues on the current website, creating barriers for visitors and potentially deterring them from engaging further.

Optimization of Conversion Path

There is a lack of clear calls-to-action and an intuitive conversion path, as highlighted by user feedback, which may prevent visitors from taking the next step to become clients.

Targeted Regional Focus

The website does not adequately target or address specific regional markets. Stakeholder interviews revealed that tailoring content to regional markets could significantly enhance local engagement and attract more projects.

Competitive Insights

Competitive analysis revealed that successful competitors offer personalized and localized content, which effectively drives regional project growth. Implementing similar strategies can help the firm attract more local clients.


Persona Design and User/wire flow 

Using data gathered from user research, I developed detailed personas representing the primary user groups. Then I created a User/wire flow for each persona to visualize their interactions with the website.

This helped identify key touchpoints and areas where the design could be optimized to enhance their experience

By mapping these user flows, Concrete Innovations can ensure that each persona has a tailored and intuitive journey through the website, ultimately leading to increased engagement and conversion rates. Each flow highlights the key interactions and navigation paths that align with the specific needs and goals of the personas.

Information Architecture and Wireframes

Navigation Structure

Creating and Sharing Ideas Through Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Created low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic structure and layout of key pages. These wireframes served as a blueprint for the website, detailing the placement of content, navigation, and interactive elements.

Entry Points


Direct URL Entry

Users who type the website URL directly into their browser.

Search Engines

Visitors arriving via search results from Google, Bing, etc., using relevant keywords related to architecture and interior design services.

Social Media Links

Traffic from social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest where the firm has shared content or ads.

Email Newsletters

Visitors coming from links included in email newsletters sent by Concrete Innovations.

Online Advertisements

Users clicking on online ads, including pay-per-click (PPC) ads, display ads, or sponsored content.

QR Codes

Visitors scanning QR codes placed on printed marketing materials, such as brochures, business cards, or outdoor advertisements.

Feedback and Iteration

Once the wireframes were completed, I shared them with key stakeholders, including product managers, developers, designers, and users, to gather feedback.

Based on their input, I made several iterations and refinements, addressing concerns around usability, content layout, and user flow.

User Interface (UI) Design

Brand Integration

Incorporated Concrete Innovations’ brand elements, such as the logo, color scheme, and typography, into the website design. Ensured that the visual design reflected the firm’s innovative and high-quality ethos.

High-Quality Visuals

Used high-resolution images and professional photography to showcase the firm’s portfolio. Integrated visual storytelling techniques to highlight key projects, including detailed project descriptions and client testimonials.

Color scheme

Applied a cohesive color scheme that enhances readability and usability across all interface elements.



Blue (NCS)


Dim Gray


Chinese Black



Choose an appropriate typography to ensure clarity and consistency throughout the platform.


Nunito Sans - Headings

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Duru Sans - Sub Heading

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

High fidelity design

Created a high-fidelity prototype with polished visual design and interactive elements to simulate the final product experience, preparing it for usability testing.

User Testing


I developed wireframes to define the app’s layout and structure, emphasizing easy navigation and clear information organization. These wireframes were crafted in alignment with the user journey maps to depict the app’s flow and structure accurately.


Frontend Development

Translated the visual designs into responsive HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, ensuring the website looked stunning and worked flawlessly on all devices and screen sizes. For instance, the use of CSS Grid and Flexbox allowed for a flexible and dynamic layout that adapted to various screen resolutions, providing an optimal viewing experience on both mobile and desktop devices.

Responsive Design

Ensure the platform is responsive and adapts seamlessly to various devices (desktops, tablets, mobile phones).

Content Management System (CMS)

Implemented a user-friendly CMS (WordPress) that allowed the Concrete Innovations team to easily update and manage website content. The CMS was customized with specific templates and modules tailored to the firm’s needs, such as a portfolio section where new projects could be added with detailed descriptions, images, and categories.

Cross-Browser, Cross-Device Testing and Performance Testing

Conducted rigorous testing across various browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops) to ensure consistent performance and appearance. Identified and fixed issues such as inconsistent button styling on different browsers and layout misalignments on certain screen sizes.

Used tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to test and optimize the website’s performance. Addressed issues such as large image sizes and render-blocking resources, resulting in faster load times and a smoother user experience.

SEO Optimization

Implemented on-page SEO best practices, including optimizing meta tags, headings, and alt text for images. Created an XML sitemap and submitted it to search engines to improve indexing and visibility.

Launch and Post-Launch Optimization

Launch Strategy Development

Concrete Innovations launched its website during the summer break to capitalize on high property investment interest. They created anticipation with social media teasers and email newsletters offering sneak peeks of the new website features.

Quality Assurance

Thorough testing was conducted to ensure the website worked flawlessly across all devices and browsers. Any issues, such as a mobile contact form problem, were resolved before the launch to guarantee a smooth user experience.


The website was launched during off-peak hours to minimize disruption, with continuous monitoring to swiftly address any issues, ensuring users experienced no downtime.

Post-Launch Optimization

Monitoring and Analytics Setup

Analytics tools were implemented to track user behavior and website performance, with metrics like page views and conversion rates helping identify areas for UX improvement.

Regular analysis of user data-informed refinements to the website’s design and functionality, such as enhancing the portfolio section based on heatmap insights.

A/B Testing, Technical Maintenance and SEO Updates

A/B tests were conducted on elements like call-to-action buttons to optimize user experience, with the most effective designs and placements being implemented to increase conversion rates.

Regular maintenance and SEO updates ensured the website’s security, stability, and performance. Image compression and script optimization were performed to improve page load speed, enhancing the overall user experience.

Concerete Innovations

Concerete Innovations

Responsive and User-Friendly Interface

A clean and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate for users of all tech-skill levels.

Focusing on Credibility and Transparency

Users can preview the report before purchasing, ensuring credibility and transparency by showing exactly what they’ll get, with the added benefit of being able to download the sample report.

Buy a report with just a few easy steps

Users can purchase reports effortlessly in a few simple steps

Create and update your profile easily

And much more..

Outcome and Impact

The redesign of the Concrete Innovations website achieved its primary objectives of increasing brand awareness, showcasing expertise, and attracting new projects. Through a meticulous process of research, design, usability testing, and implementation, the new website now effectively communicates the firm’s innovative approach and high-quality services, positioning them for continued growth in Egypt and the Middle East.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

The new website greatly enhanced online visibility, drawing a wider audience from Egypt and the Middle East. Additionally, it elevated brand perception with a polished and professional online presence.

Showcased Expertise

The firm's portfolio and services were effectively highlighted, bolstering credibility and trust with potential clients. Additionally, storytelling was enhanced through high-quality visuals and engaging content.

Attracted New Projects

The smoother user experience resulted in more inquiries and project leads, along with higher conversion rates due to easier navigation, clear calls to action, and a seamless contact process.

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