Understanding the dynamics of real estate financing and Purchasing behavior in Egypt

In this UX research case study, I focus on comprehending how Egyptians interact with real estate financing options, particularly examining the influence of government-provided financing schemes offering 3% and 8% interest rates. Our primary goal is to gain insights into the decision-making processes and user experiences of Egyptians contemplating real estate purchases, specifically emphasizing available financing options. Furthermore, we aim to investigate how technology can streamline the financing process and enhance overall satisfaction among users.


The Problem

“Can you propose a solution that streamlines real estate financing information and makes it more accessible to prospective buyers in Egypt? We need a user-friendly digital platform that clarifies financing options, simplifies comparisons, and guides users through the application process effortlessly. Additionally, we're interested in understanding if there's a market opportunity to capitalize on by addressing these pain points effectively.”


A real estate firm in Cairo is grappling with challenges in the current market, including low buyer confidence and limited accessibility to financing options, particularly in relation to government-sponsored 3% and 8% financing plans

They've tasked me with conducting a quick research sprint to identify potential solutions and recommendations for addressing these challenges.

The CEO of the company, who has a background in computer science and a passion for innovation, is keen to understand how design research can inform strategic decisions in this context. He believes that improving access to financing and restoring buyer confidence will be key factors in revitalizing the real estate market, and he wants us to explore the market opportunities associated with leveraging these financing plans effectively.


Research Objectives


Understand Decision-Making Processes:

Investigate how Egyptians decide on real estate purchases, focusing on the role of financing options.

Evaluate User Experience

Assess user experiences with government-provided financing schemes.

Identify Pain Points

Identify challenges and pain points in the financing and purchasing process.

Explore Technological Solutions

Determine how technology can improve the financing process and enhance overall user satisfaction.

The Process

01 Discovery

Understand the Landscape

02 Research Design

Uncover Customer Needs, Motivations, & Behaviors

03 Design Strategy

Define Product Opportunities & Actionable Steps







Kickoff Workshop

The kickoff workshop was designed to align stakeholders, gather initial insights, and set the direction for the UX research project on real estate financing and purchasing behavior in Egypt.


The main objectives were:


Align Stakeholders

Ensure all stakeholders have a shared understanding of the research goals and processes.

Gather Initial Insights

Collect preliminary data and opinions from stakeholders and potential users.

Define Research Scope

Clarify the research questions, methodologies, and expected outcomes.

Identify Key Areas of Focus

Highlight critical areas for investigation based on stakeholder inputs.



Representatives from real estate agencies, government housing finance bodies, and financial institutions.

UX Researchers

Lead researchers and team members from the UX research team.

Potential Users

Selected participants representing the target demographic of real estate buyers in Egypt.

Technical Experts

Individuals specializing in the development of online platforms and mobile applications for real estate financing.


Research Questions

To guide our UX research, we formulated the following key research questions:

Decision-Making Processes

  • How do Egyptians decide on purchasing real estate?
  • What factors influence their choice of financing options?
  • How do the government-provided financing schemes (3% and 8% interest rates) impact their decision-making?

User Experience with Financing Options

  • What are the user experiences of Egyptians using government-provided financing schemes?
  • What are the common challenges and pain points faced during the application process for these schemes?
  • How do users perceive the clarity and accessibility of information related to these financing options?

Sources of Information and Guidance

  • Where do Egyptians primarily seek information about real estate financing?
  • What role do family, friends, online resources, and real estate agents play in providing information and guidance?

Technology and User Satisfaction

  • How do current technological tools (e.g., real estate apps, and government websites) assist users in the financing process?
  • What technological features do users find most useful or lacking in these tools?
  • How can technology be leveraged to improve the overall user experience and satisfaction in the financing process?

Transparency and Support

  • How transparent and user-friendly are the existing financing application processes?
  • What are the users’ experiences with customer support from banks and government offices?
  • How can transparency and customer support be improved in the context of real estate financing?







Research Design

To comprehensively address our research questions, we will employ a variety of methods, including surveys, in-depth interviews, user journey mapping, and usability testing. Below is the detailed research plan for each research question.

Decision-Making Processes

  • How do Egyptians decide on purchasing real estate?
  • What factors influence their choice of financing options?
  • How do the government-provided financing schemes (3% and 8% interest rates) impact their decision-making?



  • Why? To gather quantitative data on decision-making criteria and preferences.
  • Sample Size: 50 participants.
  • Questions: Include Likert-scale and multiple-choice questions about factors influencing purchasing decisions, such as interest rates, loan terms, and property location.

In-Depth Interviews

  • Why? To gain deeper insights into the personal decision-making processes of participants.
  • Sample Size: 20 participants.
  • Questions: Open-ended questions about how participants chose their financing options, the role of government schemes, and other influencing factors.

User Journey Mapping

  • Why?  To visualize the step-by-step decision-making process.
  • Participants: A subset of interview participants.
  • Activity: Participants will map out their journey from considering a purchase to finalizing financing, highlighting key decision points.

User Experience with Financing Options

  • What are the user experiences of Egyptians using government-provided financing schemes?
  • What are the common challenges and pain points faced during the application process for these schemes?
  • How do users perceive the clarity and accessibility of information related to these financing options?



  • Why? To quantify user experiences and satisfaction levels with financing schemes.
  • Sample Size: 50 participants.
  • Questions: Rating scales for ease of use, clarity of information, and overall satisfaction with the financing application process.

In-Depth Interviews

  • Why? To explore detailed experiences and challenges.
  • Sample Size: 20 participants.
  • Questions: Specific questions about their experience with the application process, challenges faced, and perceptions of information clarity.

Usability Testing

  • Why? To evaluate user interaction with current financing platforms.
  • Participants: 10 participants who have used government financing schemes.
  • Tasks: Participants will complete tasks such as filling out an application or searching for information on a financing website while providing real-time feedback.

Sources of Information and Guidance

  • Where do Egyptians primarily seek information about real estate financing?
  • What role do family, friends, online resources, and real estate agents play in providing information and guidance?



  • Why? To identify primary sources of information and their effectiveness.
  • Sample Size: 50 participants.
  • Questions: Multiple-choice and rating-scale questions about where participants seek information and how reliable they find each source.

In-Depth Interviews

  • Why? To understand the qualitative aspects of information seeking and guidance.
  • Sample Size: 20 participants.
  • Questions: Open-ended questions about the influence of different sources, specific experiences with each, and the perceived reliability of information.

Technology and User Satisfaction

  • How do current technological tools (e.g., real estate apps, and government websites) assist users in the financing process?
  • What technological features do users find most useful or lacking in these tools?
  • How can technology be leveraged to improve the overall user experience and satisfaction in the financing process?



  • Why? To measure satisfaction with existing technological tools and identify desired features.
  • Sample Size: 50 participants.
  • Questions: Rating scales and open-ended questions about current tool usage, satisfaction levels, and desired improvements.

Usability Testing

  • Why? To assess the usability of current technological platforms.
  • Participants: 10 participants using real estate financing apps and websites.
  • Tasks: Participants will perform common tasks on these platforms and provide feedback on their experiences.

Focus Groups

  • Why? To collect collective insights on technological needs and preferences.
  • Participants: 15 participants divided into 3 groups.
  • Activity: Discuss and brainstorm features that would enhance the financing process.

Transparency and Support

  • How transparent and user-friendly are the existing financing application processes?
  • What are the users’ experiences with customer support from banks and government offices?
  • How can transparency and customer support be improved in the context of real estate financing?



  • Why? To quantify perceptions of transparency and customer support.
  • Sample Size: 50 participants.
  • Questions: Multiple-choice and rating-scale questions about the transparency of the application process and the quality of customer support.

In-Depth Interviews

  • Why?  To gather detailed experiences and suggestions for improvement.
  • Sample Size: 20 participants.
  • Questions: Open-ended questions about their experiences with transparency, clarity of communication, and customer support interactions.

Usability Testing

  • Why? To identify transparency issues and support deficiencies in real-time.
  • Participants: 10 participants engaging with customer support services during tasks.
  • Tasks: Participants will perform actions like requesting support or seeking clarification on financing terms while providing feedback on their experiences.


Timeline and Milestones


Sampling & Recruiting

01. Objectives Summary

To ensure a representative sample of the target population, we will recruit participants who reflect a diverse range of experiences with real estate financing in Egypt. The goal is to gather insights from individuals who have used or are considering using government-provided financing schemes, specifically those with 3% and 8% interest rates.

02.  Demographics

  • Age: 25-50 years old
  • Gender: A balanced mix of male and female participants
  • Location: Various regions within Egypt, including urban and rural areas
  • Socioeconomic Status: Diverse income levels to capture a range of financial capabilities and experiences

03. Criteria

  • Must be actively considering or have recently completed a real estate purchase
  • Must have used or be considering using government financing schemes
  • Comfortable discussing personal experiences and providing feedback

04.Recruitment Strategy

  • Online Recruitment: Use social media platforms, online forums, and real estate websites to reach potential participants.
  • Offline Recruitment: Partner with real estate agencies and banks to identify and recruit participants.
  • Incentives: Offer monetary compensation or gift vouchers to encourage participation.
View Survey here

Screener Survey








01. Objectives Summary

To gather data on the factors influencing real estate purchasing and financing decisions, measure user satisfaction with different financing schemes, identify and evaluate primary information sources, assess satisfaction with current technological tools and desired features, and evaluate user perceptions of transparency and customer support in the financing process.

02. Development

Drafted survey questions to comprehensively cover decision-making factors, user experiences, information sources, and technology usage.

03. Validation

Reviewed questions with stakeholders and pre-tested them with a small group to ensure clarity and relevance.

03. Tool Setup

Set up the survey using Typeform, to ensure logical flow and usability.

View Survey here

Starting with the Survey Rationale

Surveys provide a broad overview by gathering quantitative data from a large sample, helping identify general trends, decision-making factors, and satisfaction levels with financing schemes. They establish a baseline understanding of user experiences and challenges, which can be explored further through qualitative methods. Additionally, survey results highlight key areas of interest for deeper investigation in in-depth interviews and other qualitative research.

User Interviews

01. Objectives Summary

To gain in-depth insights into participants’ decision-making processes regarding real estate purchases, their experiences with financing schemes, challenges encountered, and perceptions of information sources and technology usage. Additionally, the interviews aim to uncover users’ interactions with customer support services, their suggestions for improvements, and overall satisfaction levels throughout the home-buying journey.

02.  Question Development

Created open-ended questions focusing on participants’ decision-making processes, experiences with financing schemes, and challenges faced.

03.  Pilot Interviews

Conducted a few pilot interviews to refine questions and approach.

04.  Interview Protocol

Developed a consistent protocol for interviews, including introductory scripts, consent procedures, and recording methods.


Interview Questions

User Interview Rationale

After collecting broad data from surveys, in-depth interviews explore individual experiences, motivations, and challenges in greater detail. These interviews provide context to the quantitative data, explaining the “why” behind survey trends. They also uncover specific pain points and challenges, which are crucial for creating detailed user journey maps and usability testing scenarios.


User Journey Mapping

01. Objectives Summary

Visualizing and understanding the step-by-step experiences, emotions, and pain points of Egyptian homebuyers during the real estate financing process. This will help identify opportunities for improvement and enhance user satisfaction.

02. Development

Define the Scope

Objective: Determine the specific journey to be mapped (e.g., from initial consideration of purchasing a home to securing financing).

  • Conduct stakeholder meetings to clarify the focus and key stages of the user journey.
  • Outline the key stages of the user journey, such as research, decision-making, application process, approval, and finalization.

Recruit Participants

Objective: Select a diverse group of participants representing the target demographic.

  • Use the developed screener to recruit 10-15 participants who have recently purchased a home or are currently in the process.
  • Ensure a mix of participants based on demographics, financing schemes used, and technological proficiency.

Conduct Preliminary Research

Objective: Gather initial data and insights to inform the journey mapping sessions.

  • Review survey and interview data to identify common themes and issues.
  • Analyze existing customer feedback and support logs to understand recurring challenges.

Prepare for the Workshop 

Objective: Prepare for effective user journey mapping sessions.

  • Develop workshop materials, including templates for journey maps, markers, sticky notes, and other facilitation tools.
  • Schedule sessions with participants and send out pre-session information to ensure they understand the process and its purpose.

Conduct User Journey Mapping Sessions

Objective: Map out the detailed steps, emotions, and pain points of participants’ journeys.

  • Begin with an introductory briefing explaining the purpose and process of the session.
  • Facilitate mapping sessions where participants describe their journey, marking key stages, emotions, and challenges on the journey map template.
  • Encourage participants to share detailed anecdotes and experiences at each stage.
  • Use probing questions to uncover deeper insights (e.g., “What were you feeling at this point?” “What was the most frustrating part of this step?”).

Identify Improvement Opportunities

Objective: Use the journey map to pinpoint areas for enhancement and innovation.

  • Conduct workshops with stakeholders to brainstorm solutions for identified pain points.
  • Prioritize improvements based on impact and feasibility.

User Journey Mapping Rationale

Visualize Processes: With insights from both surveys and interviews, we can create visual representations of the user’s decision-making journey, highlighting key decision points, challenges, and emotional highs and lows.

Identify Key Moments: User journey mapping helps us identify critical moments in the home buying and financing process that can be targeted for improvement.

Guide Usability Testing: The journey maps inform the scenarios and tasks for usability testing, ensuring that we focus on the most relevant and impactful parts of the user experience.


Usability Testing

01. Objectives Summary

Evaluate user interaction with current financing platforms and identify usability issues.

02.   Scenarios

Scenario 1: Searching for Information on Financing Options

Objective: Assess the ease with which users can find detailed information on financing schemes.

  • Find information on the 3% and 8% financing schemes on the platform.
  • Compare the 3% and 8% schemes with other financing options available.
  • Time taken to find information
  • Number of clicks required
  • User satisfaction ratings
  • Notes on difficulties or confusion

Scenario 2: Completing a Financing Application

Objective: Evaluate the usability of the application process for financing schemes.

  • Start a new financing application for a 3% interest rate scheme.
  • Fill out personal information.
  • Upload necessary documents.
  • Review and submit the application.
  • Completion rate of the application process
  • Time taken to complete each section
  • Number of errors or corrections needed
  • User satisfaction ratings
  • Notes on usability issues

Scenario 3: Contacting Customer Support

Objective: Test the effectiveness and responsiveness of customer support channels.

  • Locate customer support options on the platform.
  • Use live chat or email to ask a question about financing schemes.
  • Evaluate the response.
  • Time taken to locate support options
  • Response time of customer support
  • User satisfaction with the support received
  • Quality and helpfulness of the responses

Scenario 4: Navigating User Dashboard

Objective: Assess the usability of the user dashboard for managing applications and viewing status updates.

  • Log in and access the user dashboard.
  • View the status of an ongoing financing application.
  • Edit personal details in the user profile.
  • Check notifications or messages related to the financing application.
  • Time taken to access and navigate the dashboard
  • Number of clicks required to view status and notifications
  • User satisfaction ratings
  • Notes on usability issues

Scenario 5: Using Mobile App

Objective: Test the mobile usability of the real estate financing platform.

  • Download and install the mobile app.
  • Register or login.
  • Search for information on financing options.
  • Start a financing application.
  • Contact customer support.
  • Time taken to download and install the app
  • Ease of registration/log-in process
  • User satisfaction ratings for mobile tasks
  • Notes on mobile-specific usability issues

Usability Testing Rationale

Test Current Solutions: Usability testing allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of existing real estate financing platforms and tools identified during earlier phases.

Identify Usability Issues: By observing real users interact with these platforms, we can pinpoint specific usability issues and areas for improvement.

Gather Real-Time Feedback: Participants provide immediate feedback on their experiences, which is valuable for refining and improving the tools and processes.


Focus Group Discussion

01. Objectives Summary

Gather collective insights on the technological needs, preferences, and overall experiences of users in the real estate financing process to identify opportunities for technological innovations and enhancements that can streamline the financing process and improve user satisfaction.

02. Development

Define the Scope

Objective: Determine the specific focus areas for the discussions, such as user experiences with current technological tools, desired features, and overall satisfaction with the financing process.

  • Conduct stakeholder meetings to clarify the focus and key topics to be covered.
  • Outline the main themes and questions to guide the focus group discussions.

Recruit Participants

Objective: Select a diverse group of participants who represent the target demographic and have experience with real estate financing.

  • Use the developed screener to recruit 15 participants, ensuring a mix of demographics, financing schemes used, and technological proficiency.
  • Group participants into three focus groups of 5 participants each to facilitate more in-depth discussions.

Develop Focus Group Guide

Objective: Create a detailed guide to ensure structured and productive discussions.

  • Develop a list of open-ended questions and prompts to facilitate discussions.
  • Organize questions into key themes such as user experiences, technology usage, challenges faced, and desired features.

Prepare for Focus Group Sessions

Objective: Ensure a smooth and engaging session for participants.

  • Arrange logistics, including venue, seating, recording equipment, and refreshments.
  • Send out invitations and pre-session information to participants, explaining the purpose and structure of the focus groups.

Conduct Focus Group Sessions

Objective: Gather in-depth insights and perspectives from participants.

  • Begin with an introductory briefing explaining the purpose and process of the session.
  • Facilitate discussions using the focus group guide, ensuring all participants have the opportunity to share their views.
  • Encourage participants to elaborate on their experiences and provide specific examples.
  • Use probing questions to uncover deeper insights (e.g., “Can you tell me more about why this feature is important to you?” “What was your biggest frustration with the current tools?”).
  • Record the sessions for detailed analysis later.

Develop Recommendations

Objective: Use the insights gathered to inform actionable recommendations.

  • Based on the identified themes and patterns, develop recommendations for technological improvements and process enhancements.
  • Prioritize recommendations based on impact and feasibility.

Focus Groups Rationale

Focus groups provided a holistic understanding of the user journey, validated our findings, and generated actionable recommendations to enhance the real estate financing experience in Egypt. Leveraging the collective wisdom and experiences of users enabled us to design truly user-centric solutions that address the real needs of homebuyers.





Decision-Making Processes

Interest Rates as a Primary Factor

of participants cited interest rates as the most significant factor influencing their financing decisions

Government-provided schemes with 3% and 8% interest rates were particularly attractive, with 70% of respondents indicating they chose these schemes due to the lower interest rates compared to private financing options.

Property Location and Value

of participants emphasized the importance of property location and future value appreciation in their decision-making process.

Proximity to work, quality of local schools, and potential for property value increase were frequently mentioned.

User Experience with Financing Options

Application Process Challenges

respondents reported difficulties during the application process for government-provided financing schemes.

Common challenges included lack of transparency, unclear documentation requirements, and the need to contact multiple apartment owners to confirm acceptance of the 3% or 8% loan options.

Satisfaction Levels

of participants were satisfied with the clarity and accessibility of information related to financing options.

Many users expressed frustration with the lack of a centralized information source, leading to time-consuming and confusing processes.

Sources of Information and Guidance

Reliance on Personal Networks

participants primarily relied on family and friends for information about real estate financing.

This was due to a perceived lack of reliable online resources and difficulties in obtaining accurate information from real estate agents and financial institutions.

Online Resources

of users turned to online resources, but only 30% found them reliable and comprehensive.

Users frequently encountered outdated information and found that no single website offered a complete overview of available financing options and processes.

Transparency and Support

Perception of Transparency

of respondents felt that the financing application process lacked transparency.

Users highlighted inconsistencies in the information provided by different sources and a general sense of mistrust towards the process.

Customer Support

participants were dissatisfied with the customer support from banks and government offices.

Issues included long response times, unhelpful staff, and difficulty in obtaining clear answers to their questions.

Technology and User Satisfaction

Current Technological Tools

of participants used real estate apps or government websites to assist in the financing process.

However, only 35% found these tools effective, citing issues such as poor usability, incomplete information, and lack of integration with financial institutions.

Desired Features

of users expressed a desire for a centralized platform that combines property listings with detailed financing options and application tracking.

Suggested features included real-time updates, direct communication with lenders, and comprehensive guides on the financing process.

Technology and User Satisfaction

Current Technological Tools

of participants used real estate apps or government websites to assist in the financing process.

However, only 35% found these tools effective, citing issues such as poor usability, incomplete information, and lack of integration with financial institutions.

Desired Features

of users expressed a desire for a centralized platform that combines property listings with detailed financing options and application tracking.

Suggested features included real-time updates, direct communication with lenders, and comprehensive guides on the financing process.




Centralized Information Platform

A significant user need for a comprehensive, centralized online platform that integrates property listings with detailed financing options and guides users through the financing process.

Enhanced Transparency and Communication

Urgent need for standardized and consistent information across all platforms and improved communication from financial institutions and government offices.

Streamlined Application Processes

Recommendation to simplify the application process through digital tools that offer real-time updates and direct communication with lenders.

Improved Customer Support

Call for enhanced customer support services through better training, reduced response times, and clearer information provision.




Comprehensive Research Report

Detailed report summarizing all findings, insights, and recommendations, supported by quantitative and qualitative data.

User Journey Maps

Visual representations of the user journey highlighting key pain points and decision-making moments.

Stakeholder Presentation

Engaging presentation deck outlining key findings and recommendations for stakeholders.

Prototypes and Design Recommendations

Initial prototypes and design recommendations for a centralized information platform and improved digital tools for the financing process.

Project Outcome

The project successfully identified critical areas for improvement in the real estate financing experience in Egypt, providing a clear roadmap for creating user-centric solutions. By addressing the pain points and leveraging technological opportunities, stakeholders can significantly enhance the homebuying experience, leading to higher user satisfaction and increased adoption of government financing schemes.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.We are thrilled with the UX research results on real estate financing in Egypt. The insights and recommendations have been transformative, helping us identify key user pain points and opportunities for improvement. The user journey maps and focus group findings were particularly valuable. We're excited to implement these insights and enhance our services to better serve our customers. Thank you for your exceptional work!”


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